ECRA Joins the Circular Plastics Alliance

von | 20.09.2019

The European Carpet and Rug Association (ECRA) is committed to helping our members develop a standard, coherent industry approach to making the transition to a circular economy. Here, we will seek to define a Strategic Plan marking a new phase in ECRA’s performance framework and addressing some of the key challenges facing the carpet and flooring sector in Europe. Importantly, ECRA’s activities will reflect the sector’s support of European Union (EU) circular economy policies, and particularly its plastics strategy.

That is why ECRA is collaborating across the polymer value chain and has joined the Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA), with a view to contributing to CPA’s defined target of reaching 10 million tonnes of recycled plastics used as raw materials in new products by 2025.

On September 20th ECRA has signed the commitment statement of the Circular Plastics Alliance.
Watch the video of the high-level event in Brussels.
More about the CPA can found on the Commission webpage